TM 5-3825-213-35
Hole or crack in case
Repair or replace case
24. Plow Transmission Vibrates or is Noisy
Probable cause
Possible remedy
31. Front or Rear Axle Has Backlash
Plow engine clutch shaft ........... Replace clutch shaft (pars.
bent or distorted.
Defective bearings ................... Replace bearings (pars.
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Poor ring gear and pinion .......... Adjust the ring gear and
Engine out of time .................... Time the engine (TM
5-3825-213-20 ).
Worn differential or
Replace differential or
pinion bearings. ................... pinion bearings (pars.
25. Plow and Carrier Drive Shafts Vibrate,
Worn axle shaft cage ring ......... Replace worn axle shaft
Bind, or Noisy
cage ring bushings (pars.
................................ ............ 283-285).
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Defective transfer case.............. Replace bearings (pars.
32. Front or Rear Axle Leaks Grease
Defective carrier bearings.......... Replace bearings (pars.
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Defective oil seal ...................... Replace oil seal (pars.
................................ ............ 287-289).
26. Carrier Engine Generator Charging
Hole or crack in axle ................. Replace or repair axle
Rate Low
Probable cause
Possible remedy
33. Carrier Power Transfer Case Noisy
Defective generator .................. Repair generator (pars.
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Defective generator................... Repair generator voltage
Defective bearings ................... Replace or repair power
voltage regulator.
regulator (pars.
Damaged gears ....................... Replace gears (pars.
27. Carrier Torqmatic Transmission Leaks
34. Carrier Steers Hard
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Defective seals ......................... Replace seals (pars.
Defective bearings in................. Replace or repair steering
Hole or crack in case ............... Replace or repair case
Defective steering control.......... Repair steering control
28. Carrier Torqmatic Transmission Noisy
Defective steering cylin-............ Repair steering cylinder
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Worn gears .............................. Repair transmission (pars.
35. Steering Wheel Has Excessive Play
Worn bearings ......................... Repair transmission (pars.
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Worn steering ball and .............. Repair steering ball and
29. Carrier Transfer Case Will Not Shift
Defective steering..................... Replace or repair steering
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Shifter shaft worn or.................. Tighten or replace shifter
36. Rear Axle Steering Fails to Operate
Shifting fork worn or.................. Replace shifting fork
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Defective control valve ............. Replace or repair control
Gears or shaft damaged .......... Replace gears or shaft
valve (TM 5-3825-
Defective hydraulic pump.......... Repair hydraulic pump
30. Carrier Transfer Case Leaks
Defective steering cylinder ........ Repair steering cylinder
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Defective seals ......................... Replace transfer case seals