TM 5-3825-213-20
A. Instrument panel, right side, front view.
Figure 79. Instrument panel and instrument, removal and installation.
140. Differential Lock Control Valve Assembly
Light Assembly
a. Removal. Remove the lock, control valve -
a. Removal. Remove the transmission high oil
temperature warning light assembly as illustrated in
b. Disassembly.
Disassemble lock control
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean, inspect,
c. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean, inspect,
and replace a defective transmission high oil
temperature warning light assembly.
and replace a defective differential lock control valve
c. Installation. Install the transmission high oil
assembly as necessary.
d. Reassembly. Reassemble the differential
temperature warning light assembly as illustrated in
lock control valve assembly as illustrated in figure 81.
e. Installation.
Install the differential lock
control valve assembly as illustrated in figure 79.
141. Transmission High Oil Temperature Warning