TM 5-3825-213-20
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair. Clean
75. General
the blades and arm assemblies and inspect for breaks,
The six blade blower is incased in a housing
bends, or other damage. Replace or repair damaged
mounted on the back of the snowplow frame. The fan
parts as necessary.
blower is driven from the fan blower gearcase assembly,
c. Installation. Install the fan blower blades
powered by the plow engine. The fan blades can be
replaced individually when they become bent or
damaged. The housing control arm is connected to a
hydraulic cylinder and controls the position of the housing
77. Housing Control Arm
as to type of discharge desired when snow removal unit
a. Removal. Remove housing control arm as
is in operation.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean the
76. Fan Blower Assembly
housing control arm and inspect for bends, excessive
a. Removal. Remove the fan blower blades
wear, or other damage. Replace damaged parts as
c. Installation. Install the housing control arm
Figure 26. Fan blower blades and arm assembly, removal and installation.