TM 5-3825-213-20
c. Depreservation.
Prepare item for
6. Unloading Snow Removal Unit
inspection and operation as outlined on DA Form 2258,
a. Blocking and Tiedown Removal. Remove
attached on or near the operational controls.
the blocking and tiedown straps as illustrated in figure 3.
d. Electrolyte.
Remove the electrolyte
Before removing blocking and
containers from the crates.
tiedown straps be sure the handbake is engaged.
Be sure containers are not
b. Ramp Unloading.
damaged when removing crate top, or dropped
(1) Block flatcar wheels.
during removal from crate. Electrolyte contains
(2) Remove blocking and tiedown straps
sulphuric acid which causes severe skin burns.
(3) Construct a suitable unloading ramp as
e. Batteries. Remove the batteries from the
(4) Tow the snowplow from the flatcar.
Caution: Use care in handling batteries and
c. Lifting Snow Removal Unit. Lift the snow
do not drop. The hard rubber case is easily cracked
removal unit from the flatcar as illustrated in figure 3.
or broken.
Warning: Use a lifting device with a capacity
Snow Chute Hydraulic Lines. Remove
of no less than 60,000 pounds to lift snow removal
banding and snow chute hydraulic lines from the plow
unit from the flatcar. Do not allow the unit to swing
assembly and install the lines on the hydraulic quick
back and forth when it is suspended in the air.
g. Cutter Bars. Remove cutter bars from the
Failure to observe this warning can result in damage
toolbox and install on the plow assembly (TM 5-3825-
to the snow removal unit and severe injury to
8. Inspection and Servicing Equipment
7. Unpacking Equipment
a. Visual Inspection.
a. General. The snow removal unit is shipped
(1) Make a complete visual inspection of
in three components; carrier, plow, and chute. The
the snowplow assembly for any
batteries, electrolyte, cutter bars, and three hydraulic
damage or loss of parts which may
lines are packed separately. The hydraulic lines are
have occurred during shipment.
attached to the plow assembly.
(2) Inspect the engine assemblies and all
b. Removal of Protective Material and
accessories for damage or loss of
Devices. For shipment of the snow removal unit, paper
is taped over the windows, headlights, and radiators.
(3) Inspect the carrier for damaged cab,
The doors, hood, and toolbox are banded. Protective
doors, windows and lights.
tape is on all breathers, hydraulic line openings,
(4) Inspect the tires for cuts, breaks, or
Remove all
low pressure.
protective tape, paper, and bands before removing snow
removal unit from flatcar.