TM 5-3825-213-20
Working pressure:
Plow shoe:
Shell ----------------------250 psi
Adjust plow shoe to equalize the weight of the
Tube ----------------------150 psi
plow assembly on the skate and shoe. Set shoe
(38) Adjustments.
to allow approximately 1/4 in. of snow on
working surface.
Spark plugs:
(39) Nut and bolt torque data.
Point gap ----------------0.025-0.028 in.
Manifold studs -------------- 720 in. -lb (inch-pound) (s)
Tappet clearances, cold:
Spark plugs ------------------ 350 in. -lb
Intake ---------------------0.015 in.
(40) Carrier practical wiring diagram. See
Exhaust ------------------0.020 in.
Figure 1. Carrier practical wiring diagram.
Side play-----------------0.005 in. max.(maximum)
End play -----------------0.003-0.010 in.
(Located in back of manual)
Contact gap -------------0.020-0.022 in.
(41) Heater practical wiring diagram. See
Front and rear wheel fittings:
Caster -------------------- 1-1/2 positive
Camber ------------------2 positive
5. Differences in Models
Toe-in --------------------0 to 1/8 in.
No known unit differences exist for the FWD
Model S-349-V Snow Removal Unit covered in this