TM 5-3825-213-20
component and shows the model and
Torqmatic transmission plate.
serial number.
torqmatic transmission plate is located
on the transmission housing and
the base of the regulator and shows
shows the manufacturer's name,
the name of the manufacturer, model,
model, and the serial and part
voltage, and amperage.
Fuel filter (engine). The fuel filter data
Torque converter plate. The torque
decal, located on the filter case shows
converter plate located on the
manufacturer's name and model
manufacturer's name, model, and the
Distributor plate. The distributor plate
serial and part numbers.
Heater water pump plate. The heater
is located on the distributor housing
water pump plate on the pump housing
and shows the name of manufacturer,
shows the name of the manufacturer,
model, and voltage rating.
Hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump
model, and serial number.
data is located on the end cover,
stamped into the casting, number of
housing shows the name of the
manufacturer, model, and serial
manufacturer, model, and voltage.
number are specified.
Windshield wiper motor.
Magnetic switch plate. The magnetic
windshield wiper motor data is
switch plate is located on the switch
stamped in the wiper housing and
housing and shows the name of the
shows name of manufacturer and
manufacturer and the model.
Steering cylinder plate. The steering
model number.
Personnel heater.
The personnel
cylinder plate is located on the cylinder
heater data is located on the heater
housing and shows the manufacturer's
body, in a decal form, shows the
name, model, and serial number.
Steering valve plate. The steering
manufacturer's name, model number,
and voltage rating.
valve plate is located on the housing
Engine heater. The engine heater is
and shows the manufacturer's name,
located on the control panel cover in a
model, and serial number.
Defroster fan motor plate.
decal form, and shows the model
number and voltage rating.
defroster fan motor plate is located on
Oil filters. The oil filter data decal is
the motor housing and shows the
located on the oil filter body and shows
name of the manufacturer, serial
the name of manufacturer, model,
number, revolutions per minute,
case number, and type.
Transmission heat exchanger plate.
winding of the motor.
Power cluster. The power cluster data
The transmission heat exchanger plate
is stamped on the body of the power
is located on the heat exchanger body
cluster and shows the name of the
and shows the name of the
manufacturer and the model number.
manufacturer, serial number, part
Air compressor plate.
The air
number and operating pressure.
Hydraulic line filter plate.
hydraulic filter plate is located on the
filter body and shows the name of
manufacturer's name, type, and the
manufacturer, model, and serial
serial and part numbers.
Battery box temperature control plate.
The battery box temperature control
plate on the temperature control
manufacturer, model, and serial