TM 5-3825-213-10
16. Starting Carrier Engine
Be sure that all personnel are clear of
a. Preparation for Starting.
the snow removal unit before
(1) Perform the before-operation services
starting operation.
(2) Lubricate the snow removal unit in
accordance with the current lubrication
The accelerator and brake pedals are
order (LO 5-3825-213-20).
air-powered. Do not attempt to move
b. Starting. Start carrier engine as illustrated in
the carrier until the air pressure
reaches normal operating level.
Allow 5 minute warmup period
b. Start carrier into motion as illustrated in figure
before putting carrier in motion.
Never get on or off the snow removal
When it is necessary to operate the
unit when it is in motion .
engine indoors, be sure proper
ventilation is provided; the exhaust
21. Stopping Carrier
fumes are dangerous.
a. Using controls illustrated in figure 17, stop the
For starting carrier and plow engines
in cold weather, refer to paragraphs
22. Starting Plow
31 and 32 for use of the heaters and
the ether starting aids before starting
b. Start plow into motion as illustrated in figure 18.
as instructed above.
Be sure that all personnel are clear of
17. Stopping Carrier Engine
the snow removal unit before putting
a. Stop carrier engine as illustrated in figure 13.
the plow unit into motion or starting
b. Perform the after-operation services (par. 40
18. Starting Plow Engine
Before putting the plow unit into
operation, see that no loose bars,
a. Preparation for Starting.
tools, or parts are lying in or on any
(1) Perform before-operation services (par.
part of the equipment, as they could
cause serious damage to the
(2) Lubricate the snow removal unit in
equipment or bodily injury to
accordance with the current lubrication
b. Starting. Start plow engine as illustrated in
23. Stopping Plow
a. Using controls illustrated in figure 19, stop the
When it is necessary to operate the
engine indoors, be sure proper
ventilation is provided; the exhaust
24. Operation Under Usual Conditions
fumes are dangerous.
a. General.
Close coordination is necessary
between the two operators while plowing snow. Under
proper operating conditions the plow engine will turn at
For starting in cold weather, refer to
approximately 2,600 rpm under load and have 3 to 6
inches of vacuum. When operating the engine at high
heaters and the ether starting aids
idle 18 to 22 inches of vacuum is pulled. To remove the
before starting as instructed above.
maximum amount of snow the operator should keep the
machine operating at full engine load at all times. This
19. Stopping Plow Engine
means that the transmission should be shifted to a
higher or lower speed according to the depth and
b. Perform after-operation services (par. 40 and
density of the snow. A noticeable drop in rpm and
vacuum of the engine is an indication of too heavy a
load, while a rise in vacuum and rpm indicates the unit
20. Starting Carrier
is not removing snow