TM 5-3825-213-10
Figure 15. Stopping plow engine.
weight has decreased 4 ounces or more. Lubricate
cylinder neck threads with one drop of OE 30 oil before
31. Plow and Carrier Engines Ether Starting Aids
a. Description. The ether starting aids are located
30. Fire Extinguisher (Carbon Dioxide Type)
at the rear of the cab. They are capsule holding,
a. Description.
The carbon dioxide type fire
manually operated controls. Ether is added to the
extinguisher is suitable for use on electrical and
engine fuel to facilitate starting in cold weather.
flammable liquid fires. The carbon dioxide types are of
the 5- and 15-pound sizes.
b. Operation. Operate the ether starting aids as
b. Operation. Remove the fire extinguisher from
its location, break the seal, operate the control valve,
32. Engine Heaters
and direct the stream of contents at the base of the
a. Description. Both the carrier and plow engines
are equipped with heaters, as part of the winterization
equipment. The purpose of these heaters is to heat the
c. Refilling and Maintenance.
For detailed
coolant and crankcase oil for both engines. The carrier
instructions on refilling and maintenance of carbon
dioxide type fire extinguisher refer to TM 5-687 and TM