TM 5-3825-213-10
Figure 14. Starting plow engine.
must give this careful consideration when heavy
28. Operation at High Altitudes
demands are made on the braking system.
a. General. The snowplow is designed to operate
under normal conditions at altitudes up to 5,000 feet
d. Air Cleaner. Clean and service the air cleaner
above sea level without special attention. Operation at
daily (fig. 33) so that the maximum air intake can be
higher altitudes presents special problems due to lower
accomplished for most efficient operation.
atmospheric pressure and wide differences in
temperature during the day and night.
e. Tires. Check for slow leaks that might occur at
high altitudes.
b. Carburetor.
Adjust the carburetor
compensate for variance in atmospheric pressure.
f. Cooling System. Keep the cooling system clean
and filled to the proper level (fig. 36). Check frequently,
c. Brakes. The pressure delivered by the brake
as water evaporates more rapidly at high altitudes.
system may decrease at high altitudes. The operator