TM 5-3825-213-35
192. Plow and Carrier Engine Starter Assemblies
Reassembly and Installation
Lubricate the plow and carrier engine
starters LO 5-3825-213-20).
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the plow and carrier
engine starters in the reverse of numerical sequence
b. Installation. Install the plow and carrier engine
starters (TM 5-3825-213-20).
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
193. General
b. Inspection and Repair.
The purpose of the distributor is to provide current to
(1) Inspect distributor housing for cracks,
the primary winding of the ignition coil at the proper time
pitted, or damaged machine surfaces.
and also to distribute the high tension voltage to the
Replace a defective distributor housing.
proper spark plug. The breaker contacts of the distributor
(2) Inspect plate and main shaft assemblies for
are connected in the coil primary circuit so that the
scores, pitting, or wear.
Place shaft
rotation of the cam opens the coil circuit at the proper
assembly in bearing in distributor housing
instant to generate a spark. The distributor cap and rotor
and inspect plug of the shaft. If fit is too
are arranged so that the high tension voltage is connected
loose, replace shaft and bearing.
to the correct spark plug for firing each cylinder. The
(3) Inspect drive gear for worn condition or
distributor is equipped with a centrifugal governor control
chipped teeth. Replace damaged gear.
of the timing and has the cam connected to the drive
(4) Replace weight springs and gasket.
shaft through the governor. This is arranged so that as
(5) Inspect breakers, levers, and spring for
the speed is increased, the relationship of the cam to the
defective condition.
Replace defective
breaker arm is changed by the centrifugal act of the
governor. The rate and amount of spark advance is
(6) Inspect all remaining parts for defective
controlled by the weight springs.
Replace or repair a worn,
damaged, or defective part.
194. Plow and Carrier Engine Distributor Assemblies
Removal and Disassembly
196. Plow and Carrier Engine Distributor Assemblies
a. Removal. Remove the plow and carrier engine
Reassembly and Installation
distributors (TM 5-3825-213-20).
a. Reassembly. Reassemble the plow and carrier
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the plow and engine
distributors in the reverse of numerical sequence
distributors in numerical sequence as illustrated on figure
b. Installation.
(1) Install the plow and carrier distributor (TM
195. Plow and Carrier Engine Distributor Assemblies
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair
(2) Time the plow engine (TM 5-3825-213-20).
a. Cleaning.
Clean all parts with an approved