TM 5-3825-213-20
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean and
(1) Install the throttle valve assembly as
inspect. Replace a defective throttle cylinder assembly
as necessary.
c. Installation.
Install the throttle cylinder
(2) Install the throttle valve air lines as
218. Throttle Valve Assembly
a. Removal.
a. Removal. Remove the rear steering lock
(1) Remove the throttle valve air lines as
solenoid valve assembly as illustrated in figure 73.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean and inspect
(2) Remove the throttle valve assembly as
all parts. Replace a defective rear steering lock solenoid
valve as necessary.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean and inspect
c. Installation. Install the rear steering lock
all parts.
Replace a defective throttle valve as
solenoid valve assembly as illustrated in figure 73.
Figure 127. Air compressor unloader valve, removal, installation, and adjustment.