TM 5-3825-213-20
EMC 3825-213-20/57 (1)
A. Clearance light, spotlight, lever, and cab panel removal points
Figure 57. Spotlight, headlight, turn signal lights, marker lights, and
blackout headlight, removal and installation.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean and
Clean and
inspect. Replace defective parts.
inspect. Replace defective parts.
c. Installation.
c. Installation. Install the air gage sending unit
Install the rear steering
120. Service Brake Stoplight Switch
Torque Converter and Transmission Oil
a. Removal.
Remove the brake stoplight
Temperature and Pressure Sending Units
a. Removal. Remove the torque converter
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean and
and transmission oil temperature and pressure sending
inspect. Replace defective parts.
c. Installation.
Install the service brake
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean and
inspect. Replace defective parts.
c. Installation. Install the torque converter and
121. Air Gage Sending Unit
transmission oil temperature and pressure sending units
a. Removal. Remove the air gage sending