TM 5-3825-213-20
Figure 119. Power transfer selector lever knob and boot,
removal and installation.
204. General
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean and inspect
The service brake system of the carrier is a full
all parts. Replace a defective cable as necessary.
air-type system. The system is directly controlled by a
c. Installation.
foot operated treadle valve which releases air into an air
(1) Install the handbrake cable and
manifold which delivers air to the diaphragms at each of
the four wheels. Brakes are released by quick release
(2) Adjust the handbrake (TM 5-3825-213-
valves. The handbrake is a mechanically operated
drum-and-band type, mounted on the front of the power
transfer case, and acts directly on the rotation of the front
drive shaft.
206. Service Brake Adjustment
Adjust the service brakes as illustrated in figure
205. Handbrake Cable and Bracket
a. Removal. Remove the handbrake cable