TM 5-3825-213-20
the hydraulic motor assembly and replace defective
motor or part as necessary.
c. Installation.
Install the chute hydraulic
66. Plow Chute Throttle Valve
a. Removal. Remove the plow chute throttle
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Clean and
inspect. Replace defective parts.
c. Installation. Install the plow chute throttle
67. Plow Hydraulic Oil Lines and Hose
a. Removal. Remove the plow hydraulic lines
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean all hose
and lines, inspect and replace defective hose and lines
as necessary.
c. Installation. Install the plow hydraulic lines
68. Fan Housing Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly
a. Removal.
Remove the fan housing
hydraulic cylinder assembly as illustrated in figure 20.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean the cylinder
assembly and inspect for condition, replace defective
Figure 16. Chute hydraulic connection block assembly,
cylinder as necessary.
removal and installation.
c. Installation.
Install the fan housing
hydraulic cylinder assembly as illustrated in figure 20.
64. Chute Hydraulic Lifting Cylinder Assembly
a. Removal. Remove the chute hydraulic
69. Plow Hydraulic Oil System Filter
lifting cylinder assembly as illustrated in figure 17.
a. Removal. Remove the plow hydraulic oil
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean and inspect
the lift cylinder for condition and damage.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair. Clean,
c. Installation. Install the chute lifting cylinder
inspect, replace, or repair the filter as necessary.
c. Installation. Install the plow hydraulic oil
65. Chute Hydraulic Motor Assembly
a. Removal. Remove the chute hydraulic
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean and inspect