TM 5-3825-213-10
c. Plow Power Engine. The plow is powered by a
(2) Snowplow manufacturer's identification
Waukesha, Model TH 884, 8-cylinder, 4-cycle,
plate. Located on left-rear side of the
overhead-valve type, liquid-cooled, gasoline engine.
snowplow assembly.
Power is transferred from the plow power unit through
(3) Truck loader manufacturers identification
the transmission to the plow assembly drive shaft. The
plate. Located on the left side of the snow
24-volt engine ignition system consists of the wiring,
direction chute base.
distributor, spark plugs, and electrical starter.
(4) Carrier
d. Carrier. The carrier is the Four Wheel Drive
Located on the left side of the carrier
Auto Co., Model 502300.
It has three-speed
engine, near the top of the flywheel
transmission and a two-speed power transfer (auxiliary
transmission), each manually shifted. The combination
(5) Plow engine identification plate. Located
of the two transmissions provides six speeds forward
on the left side of the plow engine, near
and two in reverse. The power transfer assembly,
the top of the flywheel housing.
mounted ahead of the transmission, supplies power to
the front and rear wheels through propeller shaft. Both
Located on the right side of the carrier
differentials are equipped with locks, which when
engine winterization enclosure.
engaged result in the same power to each wheel
(7) Plow transmission shift instruction plate.
regardless of slippage at any wheel. Both front and rear
Located on the left side of the instrument
wheels may be steered. The front wheels are steered
panel, below the heater controls.
mechanically with a hydraulic booster arrangement.
(8) Heater systems instruction plate. Located
The rear wheels are steered entirely by a hydraulic
on the left side of the instrument panel, to
system. The brakes are entirely air-actuated. The
the left of the heater controls.
carrier is equipped with two working floodlights, two
adjustable spotlights, and two backup floodlights.
(9) Cab identification plate. Located inside
e. Carrier Engine. The carrier is powered by a
the operator's cab on the right-hand rear
side near the ceiling.
Waukesha, Model TH 884, 8-cylinder, 4-cycle,
overhead-valve type, liquid-cooled, gasoline engine.
(10) Power transfer shift instruction plate.
The engine has a down-draft carburetor and an
Located to the left of the transmission
electrically operated fuel pump. The electric starter is
shift selector box.
located on the left side of the engine. The dipstick, oil
(11) Carrier transmission shift instruction plate.
cooler, and tachometer drive are located on the right
Located to the left of the carrier operator's
side of the engine. The fan assembly, air compressor,
seat on the transmission shift selector
and generator are belt-driven by power from the
crankshaft pulley. The carrier engine has a 24-volt
electrical system, using the four 12-volt batteries which
b. Tabulated Data.
are also used as a power source for the plow engine.
(1) Carrier engine.
Manufacturer ......................Waukesha Motor Company
4. Identification and Tabulated Data
Model .................................TH 884
Type....................................Industrial, v-Block, Mili-
a. Identification. The snow removal unit has 11
tary Standard, Gasoline
major identification and instruction plates as illustrated
Horsepower ........................330 at 2,600 rpm (revolu-
tions per minute)
(1) Corps of Engineers identification plate.
Located on the left side of the snowplow
Bore ...................................5-3/8 in. (inch) (es)
assembly and above the auger drive
chain case.